Wednesday, April 09, 2008

US Fedral Tax dept called me! To sue?

5th time in 2 weeks, today got the call from US Fedral Tax dept. What for? Did I not pay the tax? Or not filed the return? No. I have paid my tax and filed the return. The call say's that I have $600 refund. But I have already got the refund a month ago. Then how come I can expect another return?. May be its the stimulus package which is released this year, for an additional return. But by the Economic Stimulus Payment Calculator, I'm not eligible for it.

But the call said me I've $600 more return waiting for me. On taking the call, it asks me whether I would like to get the tax return $s. First time when I got the call, I said YES. However I couldn't wait to hang once they asked my bank details to put the money in my account. God, I have got my return a month back. US Government directly deposited my money into my bank account. Now this Federal phone call, asks me again my bank details. What a kind heart for them to keep calling me for the 5th time, to give my money? :)

Apart from this call, I get lot of mails from Bank Of America (BOA) asking me to login immediately and verify this & that, reset this and that. But the very first printout I got from BOA read that BOA will never ask its customers to login to the online banking by email. :) When I get the email from BOA requesting me to login and do this and that very immediately, I checked out the URLs for login. The URLs in the emails, lead to the same site of BOA except a single difference. Slight variations in the url in the address bar.


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