Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Windows Vista Experience

I recently bought a laptop with Window Vista Home Premium as the default OS. At first sight I was impressed by the color schemes. But I couldn't resist to believe that this from MS and might be buggy. Anyway I bought it, after considering +s and -s abd its now more than 3 weeks, since I started working with it. Thing that was bit of my concern was the startup time. It usally takes, 2 - 3 mins max, to start). Other than that every thing else, I felt fine. The new explorer in Vista, was really good. May be the framework is the same as that of the XP, but I see a huge difference in the presetation layer of Vista explorer. Initially I found it little difficult working with Vista explorer, because of its new interface. But, now I'm comfortable.

Recently I had a nice experience with my Vista. My explorer.exe was corrupted and whenever I start my OS, explorer is loaded and after 1 min, it displayed an error message (APPCRASH...), and forced for a restart. When I did restart, again the same error, demanding me to restart. Since explorer is the application that brings up the desktop, taskbar and systrat etc, I was not able to work with the system at all. It really bugged me a lot and I was little irritated. I just killed the explorer task from the Task Manager and opened the help as a new process from the Task Manager and learnt about the System Recovery options available. I just followed the instructions and did reboot the system in the recovery mode and restored the system back to the orginal state as it was in that morning. Fortunately that morning, as auto recovery / restore point was created by the system. So I was able to bring the system to the same state of that morning. Wow, great. I was exited with this. My system started working very well. Then I ran the system protectors and made sure that every thing is fine.

I guess this recovery feature is available in XP as well. But I never experienced that. Its a cool feeling, to come out of that great system crash danger, just like that. Wow, Vista is good.

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