Monday, October 22, 2007

may be everybody knows it, then why

Was watching the "Billionaire Inside" in CNBC (a spill here) , an interview with Donald Trump. It was interesting to watch the program because of the intelligent questions shot by the audience in the hall and some from different part of the world (Singapore, Dubai for some). It was so interesting not only because of the intelligent questions but beyond that because of the intelligent and beautiful answer back. And i was impressed when Donald said that if he would have to for an Ad in CNBC that would cost him a lot, however now he is the hero of the show in CNBC for an hour at no-cost.

Ok, so were the questions were totally different that you have never heard or thought about? No absolutely not. Then how was the answers of Donald. I know the answers were not new for me. However it was truly interesting to watch his answers live. I don't understand the magic here, how it is still interesting to hear something you have already heard? May be I was trying to correlate his replies with the other people from who I have heard the same messages.

I have read Stephan Covey. I have listened to and read, Sridhar Vembu the CEO of AdventNet or ZOHO.

Couple of things, common or the same, that each of these people I have heard, is that
* dream / think smart / stand out
* believe what you think
* love what you do
* implement it
* never quit
* fight

If some reads this again and again, he / she may get bored on the above steps. But it was interesting to hear these from Donald Trump. Erin Burnet (hope the name is correct) was conducting the interview did her job well by asking specific questions and by not going far away from the subject. It was an interesting program to watch.

Back to the title of this blog, are these tips or advices are something new from the sky? No. Guess already so many people know these and have heard this. But the thing is they don't believe it to a level that is required to push him / her off to start implementing. And the TV shows like this, in my sense, might help the people, not simply to get the tips but far from that, to believe the concept and get motivated by the people like Donald Trump, who have had already proven and sitting and sharing right in front of the audience.

A nice interview, I watched in TV instead of studying for my Driver's license :)

Monday, October 15, 2007

One other thing I miss

Some time back, I wrote this.

One of the big things I will miss in 'AdventNet' and there is no guarantee that I will get it anywhere else is the 'Sangeetha Megam' team.

The one other thing, I'm missing is the free-of-cost motivation, energy and enthusiasm from the blogs and forums. Apart from the friendly and flexible culture of the company, one big boom for the employees of AdventNet / Zoho (its new brand) is the internal blogs and the forums (ofcourse power driven by the CEO Sridhar Vembu).

It simply means that it costs my time now to gather the most hot on the web. Thanks to the Google Reader. BTB, wondering will a reader be on the line of delivery from Zoho (or is there one already?).

Thursday, October 04, 2007

My 2 special b'days after my childhood

After my school days, I usually don't celebrate my B'days great. After my school days, to date, I had two special birthdays.

1) I dont remember which one it was. But it was the one during my MCA degree. I had to call my aunt who was at that time in Bangalore, India. All my cousin brothers and sister joined to sing the birthday song for me. I was very that day.

2) My 30th B'day. This is my first B'day out of India. As usual I was not very specific about the day. But my cousin Joshi, his wife and my friend Sherine and her brother vivek, who are close by me here, made my day special. We celebrated it one day earlier, since the actual day is a working day. Uma shankar, vivek's friend also joined the lunch and the cake-cut. They all made me so glad on the day.

About my B'days

I usually don't celebrate my B'days much. I used to think, so what. That was my childhood days, where my B'days were hyped in my family. That was a joint family. We (my parents, brothers and sisters) lived together with my grand parents and uncles and aunts. On my B'day, I used to get good new dress, sweets and loving & caring words from every body at home. I used to get greeting cards from my friends. No one scolds me or beat me. I used to enjoy and have fun all through the day.

But one thing I could wonder all through the day was how my so loving dad on that day, will turn so cruel to me on seeing my progress report, that I will bring home, in another 2 / 3 days once my school reopens. Yes my B'day used to fall few days before my school reopens after my quarterly exam holidays. Though I used to enjoy my B'day, deep in my heart there will a very great fear of my progress report. Though I wished to study well, I never got good marks. I started studying well once my dad stopped stressing for good marks :)

After my school days, I never celebrated my B'day well. I usually will be reminded of my B'days by my friends and family. But never enjoyed it well, as in my childhood. But this 30th B'day, was bit special. Will post more on that later. GTG.

Orkut updated my profile without my permission

4 days back, noticed that orkut updated my profile without my knowledge / permission. Usually, any profile-update will be done by the owner. But this was an exception. And I see this the first time in orkut.

I did not have any control over it. I did not update it. However, it was updated. Ok, to be honest, ofcourse, I did get some clues. The day before the update happened without my acceptance, my relatives and friends reminded me that. My wife called me at 12 'O clock, midnight, to say about that. But I never thought orkut will update my profile that I'm now 30 years old. 'cause I never asked it to do so. :(

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Time to revamp

After a long time, i posted in my music blog about my 3yr old composition. I feel very bad, i dont have anything new to update. Also reviewed my old posts. I guess its time for revamp and improve.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My last name gets me more ...

Wherever I go for signup, in the net, 'm sure I will not get a username with my firstname 'jerald'. Only exception to this was the mail id in AdventNet, where I was assigned which is no more alive for me.

What i do is, simply prefix the two letter initials of my lastname, before 'jerald'. Till now, at all the places, where I do this prefix, I got that for sure. My last name gets me than my name. Just puts smile on my face, on thinking this :)

Still, many friends & people, are invisible

In my 3 decades of life, studied with several friends, worked with several colleagues and moved with several people. Life is so fast, couldn't stay still. At each phase of life, have to travel with different set of people. Other than family, there could be only few who can come along long with you. The friends and the people that I leave at each phase will vanish in the world, leaving few memories. Only few will stay in touch by emails.

This was true in the past, and could be true for people who dont use Orkut. I was not an active member of orkut from its earlier days. Infact I was not aware of that for a long time. Recently, I joined orkut. For some time, I did not have any clue on how that social network will connect my friends to me. But then simply did a search with my School name, College name, Office Name etc. Wow, I was blessed with many of my old friends starting from my childhood to the present, who were invisible till this time.

Sad part is, still I have lot of people who still dont / couldnt use orkut, messenger or atleast email. They are still invisible to me.

Windows Vista Experience

I recently bought a laptop with Window Vista Home Premium as the default OS. At first sight I was impressed by the color schemes. But I couldn't resist to believe that this from MS and might be buggy. Anyway I bought it, after considering +s and -s abd its now more than 3 weeks, since I started working with it. Thing that was bit of my concern was the startup time. It usally takes, 2 - 3 mins max, to start). Other than that every thing else, I felt fine. The new explorer in Vista, was really good. May be the framework is the same as that of the XP, but I see a huge difference in the presetation layer of Vista explorer. Initially I found it little difficult working with Vista explorer, because of its new interface. But, now I'm comfortable.

Recently I had a nice experience with my Vista. My explorer.exe was corrupted and whenever I start my OS, explorer is loaded and after 1 min, it displayed an error message (APPCRASH...), and forced for a restart. When I did restart, again the same error, demanding me to restart. Since explorer is the application that brings up the desktop, taskbar and systrat etc, I was not able to work with the system at all. It really bugged me a lot and I was little irritated. I just killed the explorer task from the Task Manager and opened the help as a new process from the Task Manager and learnt about the System Recovery options available. I just followed the instructions and did reboot the system in the recovery mode and restored the system back to the orginal state as it was in that morning. Fortunately that morning, as auto recovery / restore point was created by the system. So I was able to bring the system to the same state of that morning. Wow, great. I was exited with this. My system started working very well. Then I ran the system protectors and made sure that every thing is fine.

I guess this recovery feature is available in XP as well. But I never experienced that. Its a cool feeling, to come out of that great system crash danger, just like that. Wow, Vista is good.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Leaving AdventNet

Five years and two months back, I left my previous company 'Pentasoft'. At that time I had no other choice than quit, since the company was not performing and almost sunk. I never knew 'AdventNet' before I got a call from the HR manager Varadha Raju. Then I joined 'AdventNet' after clearing a set of interviews.

During my 5+ yrs tenure, I learnt lot and understood software, its business, the company 'AdventNet' and its products & clients etc... I love the culture of the company and the people around. It is really a very tough decision to quit 'AdventNet'.

Due to my own personal reasons, I have to choose a new path. I born in Madurai. Studied in Trichy. Worked in Chennai. This really makes me to think that no-where is permanent. So I'm starting again a new Career in US. Let me see, where life takes me to.

One of the big thing I will miss in 'AdventNet' and there is no guarantee that I will get it anywhere else is the 'Sangeetha Megam' team (a recent snap here).

Please help me know your contact info, by filling the form available in the below link.

Blessed with a Baby Girl - Cheryl Jocelyn

We are blessed with a baby girl. She born on 21st June 2007. My self and my wife decided to name the baby 'Cheryl Jocelyn'. I chose the name 'Cheryl'. Esther was suggesting a name 'Ashlyn'. Since we did not want 'Ash' to be in the name, later we changed the 'Ashlyn' to 'Jocelyn'.

'Cheryl' means love. 'Jocelyn' means Happy. So we decided to have the name as Cheryl Jocelyn.

Here are some snaps of Cheryl Jocelyn.